Monday 20 August 2012

Liberty Belle, by Patricia PacJac Carroll

Liberty Belle is tired of being told what to do and whom to marry.  She takes off with her aunt on an adventure west with little forethought or planning....and totally forgot about food provisions.  When the stage gets robbed and she loses her dowry money and her prized horse, the fun really starts.  Now she has very little money, and apparently her dream job may not be such a dream after all.  When she meets Wade, she believes he is the one....but does he feel the same way?

This book was 'okay'.  I didn't love it but it was well written and the characters were a good mix.  I think the saloon owner was a favourite of mine.  He seemed quite an interesting character, almost an oxymoron, which is why I enjoyed him so much.  I couldn't peg his 'ending'.  Usually I can guess the outcome of each character in a book so this is why I enjoyed him so much; he was surprising.  I also loved/hated Liberty's conniving mother.  If she was my mother, I'd likely run away from home too!  But I enjoyed her antics (obviously because she is NOT my mother).  She was super manipulative and made a great antagonist at times.  I thought Wade was an idiot in the beginning.  All the ungodly beliefs that guy had caused him to think and do things that were just stupid.  He needed to learn a lesson or two and apparently, he finally got his act together.  But, does he get the girl?  Or does the saloon owner have a great come to Jesus moment and become a worthy prospect?

I would read more by P.Carroll.  Obviously her book kept my attention.  It ran a little long at times but overall, I enjoyed it.

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